The Calia Italia Events Portal is here

A space created to make the comfort experience even more unique is here and its name is the Calia Italia Events Portal.
This portal is dedicated to retailers’ events, offering a tool designed to put customers in touch with the Calia Italia world.
By accessing the portal, every customer can have a complete overview of all the events in progress at Calia Italia dealers. Simply select the event of your nearest dealer to discover all the details.

How to book a visit
Booking a visit has never been so easy. You can choose the day, the preferred time slot and then confirm your booking. At that point you will be contacted by the dealer themselves to fix an appointment definitively.

Booking your visit through the Calia Italia Events Portal has two main advantages.
Firstly, you get the opportunity to receive a bonus (via email) relating to the offer in progress, which you can then use on the day you go to your chosen retailer.
Secondly, you can be guaranteed a visit to your nearest retailer in compliance with all anti-covid regulations required by law.

Comfort is, therefore, no longer a privilege to be enjoyed while comfortably sitting on your own sofa – it also extends to the convenience of taking advantage of the attention and care that Calia Italia reserves for its customers even outside the home. Choose, book, visit and then take advantage of an offer – all in a few simple clicks.
Making people feel good is a mission that Calia Italia not only carries out with its Collections, but also with projects that take shape with new tools.
Moreover, to demonstrate the company’s commitment, it is not only the quality of the product, but also all of the activities and initiatives that promote the creation and consolidation of the relationship between brand and customers.
Visit the Calia Italia Events Portal now and enjoy your journey of comfort and experience!